We support our service users with learning disabilities bearing in mind that some complex needs require adapted environments or specialist equipment for the individual to have a meaningful life.
At Shalom, our unique support plans are built on individual choices, which entails social care and community-led activities that embrace all opportunities, whether recreational, educational or work-based.
Our experienced staff help service users with complex health needs in skills development to enable them live independently over time.
Social services will support you, but it is a decision that you, your family and the people who support you must be involved in and comfortable with. In choosing the right support you have the right to make decisions on your own terms.
We understand that daily tasks and situations can be challenging for individuals living with a learning disability and their families. At Shalom we offer the timely support you need now and in the future.
Our carers are interviewed and checked extensively.
We are fully regulated by the Care Quality Commission.
We constantly monitor and review our services for quality.
All our staff are trained to meet the NMC Code of Practice.
Our carers, specialist nurses and allied healthcare professionals provide exceptional services for a wide range of clients including the NHS, Private Sector Hospitals, Care and Residential Homes, Schools, Prisons and Local Authorities.